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About Us

Pros and cons Cosplay

What started out as a way to perpetually goof off with art supplies, cosplay has since become a passion and a love for a community that is built on self-expression, creativity, and skill. We’re incredibly excited about cosplay construction, cosplay contests, cosplay event management, and working to make sure these events are inclusive of all types of people. 

Craftsmanship is our passion, and we find such joy in working with many techniques. From advanced sewing, wig work, casting and foam work, we are energized by and have developed expertise in a variety of construction areas. We have judged, produced, and provided consultation for dozens of live and virtual cosplay events both domestically and internationally to provide a fun, engaging experience for participants. 

We spend ample time personally and professionally on developing policies, bystander intervention techniques and combating issues of social injustice toward marginalized individuals. We also host workshops on various elements of cosplay construction, cosplay contest culture, and many other areas! Contact us, and let’s talk cosplay! 


  • Nan Desu Kan 2019: Best Master Overall
  • Nan Desu Kan 2018:  Best Master Overall
  • Anime St. Louis 2018: Best In Show
  • Nan Desu Kan 2017: Best Master Performance
  •  Sausomecon 2016: Best Master Performance
  • Nebraskon 2015: Best Craftsmanship Advanced
  • Sausomecon 2015: Best in Show
  • Naka-Kon 2015: Runway Best Master
  • Anime Festival Wichita 2009: Best Master Craftsmanship
  • Anime Festival Wichita 2009: Best Likeness Award
  • Naka Kon 2009: Judges Choice
  • Anime Festival Wichita 2008: Judges Choice Attention to Detail
  • Naka Kon 2008: Judges Choice Attention to Detail